On day one you will arrive in Santiago, Chile. After a short break to leave our luggage at the hotel, we will explore Santiago - capital of Chile. We will visit Plaza de Armas, a famous square in the heart of Santiago. There we will see the Cathedral, the Main Post Office building and the Presidential Palace. We will travel through La Moneda which is a tiny district inspired by Paris and London and has the historic San Francisco church. At the end of the day, we will visit the famous San Cristobal hill where we will ride the cable car and go to the viewpoint where you can admire panoramic views of the Andes mountain range. Overnight stay at a hotel.

white outline of a hotel with green background     ★★★★   NOVOTEL PROVIDENCIA


Leave Santiago, Chile on a domestic flight to Punta Arenas. Transfer from the airport to the hotel. Rest and city tour.

white outline of a hotel with green background     ★★★★   ALMASUR


After breakfast, we will transfer to the airport for the flight to MPA - Falkland Islands. Upon arrival, we will head to Stanley, the capital of the Falkland Islands archipelago where we will check into the hotel. Once you are settled we will tour Stanley, a small town with various architectural styles inspired by British heritage. During the tour we will see: Anglican Cathedral, Whalebone Arch, Jubilee Villas, The Margaret Thatcher Monument, The Liberation 1982 Monument and more. We will also visit the Historic Dockyard Museum where we will see many interesting exhibits of social and maritime importance. When the museum tour concludes, we will go to the Government House - the home and workplace of the governor of the Falkland Islands. After the break, we will go to a special place by the ocean called Gypsy Cove, where we will have the pleasure of seeing Magellanic penguins for the first time. From there we will take a walk to the iconic shipwreck known as the Lady Liz and learn about its history. Return to the hotel for an overnight stay.

white outline of a hotel with green backgroundMALVINA HOUSE HOTEL


After breakfast, we will embark on a two-day trip to Sea Lion Island. It is a National Nature Reserve and a Ramsar area (The International Convention for the Protection of Wetlands). We will fly by private charter plane during which we will admire the beauty of the ocean and with a bit of luck, will be able to see the spray of passing whales. Sea Lion Island is located in the south-east of the Falkland Island group. It has high, rocky cliffs and unique wildlife. The lower-lying areas feature white sandy beaches and large areas with tall shack grass that creates unique habitats and protected areas. As the name suggests, Sea Lion Island is home to a magnificent sea lion colony that can usually be seen at the foot of the cliffs or swimming nearby. These beautiful animals can be found in sheltered bays in the east of the island, but they do not pose a threat. The island has the world's largest elephant seal colony, with nearly two thousand individuals at the peak of the breeding season in October. These giant animals bask lazily on the beach, like to dig sand, make grunting noises and occasionally look around. This is one of the best places to spot Killer Whales hunting for prey close to shore.

Sea Lion Lodge is the only place on the island and is ideally located for watching wildlife. Here you can watch and hear the Gentoo and Magellanic Penguins that live nearby. This area is also the natural habitat of unusual birds called Southern Giant Petrels. Rockhopper penguins, Imperial Cormorants and Striated Caracaras (birds from the falcon family), inhabit the island as well as many other interesting animals.

The island is unique because the animals that live on it do so without human intervention. The island has not been cultivated so the native vegetation thrives.

During our three-day stay we will discover and explore the island on walking tours. You can expect to be the only guests on the island while you're amongst the South Atlantic animals.

On the last day, we will say goodbye to this charming place and go on the return flight to Stanley. After arrival overnight at the hotel.

white outline of a hotel with green backgroundSEA LION LODGE FULL BOARD


On day 5 we will fly to Bleaker Island which belongs to a group of islands recognized worldwide as a bird sanctuary. The northern part of the island was designated a National Nature Reserve in 1970. The main island covers 2,070 ha (5,155 acres) and has low cliffs, sandy beaches, bays, and sheltered coves. It's an easy area to walk around and has a beautiful sunset over Sandy Bay. The mix of Gentoo and Magellanic penguins congregating on the white sand is just one of the spectacular views to be enjoyed on Bleaker Island! There are 2,100 pairs of Gentoo penguins on the island and Magellanic penguins nest in burrows not far from the beach. There are around 800 pairs of Rockhopper penguins along the south side of the Long Gulch. These rocky cliffs are a breeding ground for rock cormorants. The largest colony is home to over 8,000 pairs of emperor cormorants and along with other birds. 47 species have been recorded breeding on Bleaker Island. Sea lions can be spotted on the beach, as well as Commerson's dolphins, Southern Right whales, and Blue whales can often be spotted near the beach. The whales are especially common between March and June during their northward migration from Antarctica. We will spend the night in a lodge.

white outline of a hotel with green backgroundBLEAKER ISLAND LODGE FULL BOARD


Once breakfast is finished we will return to Stanley. After a short break, we will head to Cape Pembroke and the Lighthouse located over 7 miles from Stanley on the easternmost point of the Falkland Islands. There is also a memorial here to commemorate the sinking of the Atlantic Conveyor during the 1982 conflict which resulted in the death of 12 sailors. Overnight stay at a hotel.

white outline of a hotel with green backgroundMALVINA HOUSE HOTEL


After breakfast on day 7, we will take an off road trip to Volunteer Point for wildlife watching in the East Falkland Islands. It is home to many species of penguins (King, Gentoo and Magellanic), as well as native and non-native bird species. During the journey we will pass through the battlefields of the 1982 conflict between Great Britain and Argentina. The off road route starts at Johnson's Harbor Farm. This will cover roughly 12 miles of rather bumpy trails until we reach our destination. After getting acquainted with the rules for visiting Volunteer Point, you will be able to enjoy free time in this beautiful place. We can walk near the penguins and take unforgettable photos. At the end of the day we will return to Stanley for an overnight stay.

white outline of a hotel with green backgroundMALVINA HOUSE HOTEL


On day 8 we will take a tour of sites commemorating the 1982 conflict between Great Britain and Argentina. We will start by meeting our guide and then go to Fitzroy Farm Settlement. The guide will tell you about life in the Falklands as well as the 1982 conflict and its aftermath. On the tour, you'll see Boot Hill's iconic shoe collection that began with a lonely old shoe on a stick. On both sides of the road there are minefields that are surrounded by interesting rock formations known as Stone Runs and Rivers of Stone. Upon arrival in Fitzroy, we will see how the locals live on a farm. Summer in the Falkland Islands is a very busy time for the local farmers. Fitzroy Farm produces "prime" lamb and wool for export.

Next we will visit the monuments for the British ships Sir Galahad and Sir Tristram (both were bombed by Argentine planes). We will also see the Welsh Guards memorial dedicated to those who lost their lives during the bombing. After a short break, we will return to Stanley. The afternoon will be your last change for souvenir shopping and a farewell walk around the area before an overnight stay at the hotel.

white outline of a hotel with green backgroundMALVINA HOUSE HOTEL


After breakfast, transfer to MPA airport for a flight to Punta Arenas, Chile. Upon arrival, transfer to the hotel. Overnight stay at a hotel.

white outline of a hotel with green background     ★★★★   ALMASUR


On day 10 you will be taken to the Punta Arenas airport for your flight to Santiago, Chile. After arrival, transfer to the hotel. Time for leisure. Overnight stay in the hotel.

EXTENSION: for those willing to stay longer possible extensions of the program include:

  • ANTARCTICA ADVENTURE: Full day in Antarctica or Overnight in Antarctica by plane
  • TORRES DEL PAINE NP: 2-3 day visit to the most beautiful mountains in South America

white outline of a hotel with green background     ★★★★   PLAZA SAN FRANCISCO



At appropriate time transfer to the airport.


As you can see, our Far South Atlantic Journey is packed with fun and excitement. All that’s missing is you! To learn more about this amazing expedition or reserve your spot, contact us today. We look forward to traveling with you.

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